On the last post I hinted at an agenda that may be playing against us. Whether it be the woman who sleeps in a house not more than one mile from me who frequently encounters, at night, grey aliens, reptilians, and her dead brother who stands in the corner of her room to late night blizzard, shot gun riding, ET encounters, the question remains : what is the source of the encounter? It is an interesting phenomenon that seems to be neglected by science and academia, but a phenomenon people continue to encounter on a daily basis.
What could it possibly be? Over a number of books read over the course of my life, I've run into numerous explanations. I would like to touch base on them as a starting point for further blog material. The source encounter in question is defined as : a human being's witness or transaction with an "occupant" or "alien"; a creature that appears to be what can be only be considered a "flying craft from outer space". Here are some of my thoughts on what the source may be :
- Hallucinations : anomalous brain activity that causes the witness to endure a nightmare or dream state that is interpreted as an "experience" with a creature from another planet. God knows I have had my share of strange dreams; could the dream be a recurring experience for many different people? Perhaps...
- Extraterrestrials : my favorite theory as a kid. Of course it is an advanced civilization that has traveled vast light years through space to keep track and study us. An intelligence so advanced that it has figured out space travel, yet panics in snowstorms, hands outs pancakes to farmers in northern Wisconsin, operates on abductees with needles, scalpels, and other 20th century medicine tool, and reacts in many other mundane ways. I know a fair share of people believe most encounters of this type to be with star people, but I am reluctant to believe so...
- The Devil : another interesting theory, best expounded on (in my opinion) in Nick Redfern's book "Final Events". It is interesting that perhaps abductions are sourced as a battle between evil entities and our souls...Jack Parsons would be so proud! I am a bit more inclined to believe this theory over star people...
- Ultraterrestrials : another one of my favorite ideas from the works of John Keel. This too I find appealing in that that ultraterrestrial is within another reality and/or spectrum of energy and is able to vibrate into our plane of existence. Love him or hate him, John Keel, I believe was most certainly on to the reality of the experience. Fairies, etherians, djinn, sidhe, LAM; you name it, all are potential ultraterrestrial in origin and could be the source of the event...
- Time travelers : Marc Davenport's brilliant work on the subject is a great thesis on this possible source. When I read of Father Gill's encounter in the late 50's in Papua New Guinea in various books, and the waving response from the"occupants" to the crowd below...for whatever reason, I can only imagine the craft to be from the future. I visualize a rich, trendy, swaggy group from high society, hundreds of years from the future, travelling back in time and partying above the commoner religious troop in the rain forest below. How brilliant would that be?
- God : I have found some interest in this theory of late, but need to read a bit more of Jung and PK Dick. A God energy source could possibly be to blame for this type of event, whether it is through Gnostic visions or blinding pink energy visions. A bit more esoteric in the world of esoteric, but relevant nonetheless
- Military experiments : to think our own government would perform alien style abduction events and encounters in the theme of the XFiles is most certainly valid. There is lots of money to be made on the rest of us (us being the masses), and those with wealth and power have no issues in taking advantage of us. This too, I find more appealing and rational than star people
- Cryptoterrestrials : Mac Tonnies has a great book about the cryptoterrestrials. I once heard Jerome Clark bash the work on the Paracast....I also heard Jerome Clark make mention that Jacques Vallee called him out in one of Vallee's seminal works of the 70's. I think Jerome Clark may have spent too many years in the Twin Cities... I still think Tonnies has many a valid point in his work and recommend his essays to all...
- Evolved Dinosaurs : wow, yes, evolved dinosaurs. I first read this idea in Dr. Barry Taff's book "Aliens Above, Ghosts Below" and his mention of an old Omni article. His essay mentioned that the Omni article speculated to what dinosaurs could look like millions of years after the fact, and lo and behold, they resembled the greys of Streiber's Communion. I like it - I like it so much I will track down the magazine in the near future. To me, this theory has a lot of upside; again, that is just my opinion.
So there they be; I no doubt have missed some good ones, so please comment if you have any other great ideas. And if you have disagreements, recommendations, etc - please let me know!
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