Hello to all who have found this blog! In an attempt to keep all of the information straight and to assist with questions I have been receiving, I've decided to create a single page archive for all those who are interested in the research.
Going forward, I will be publishing further work here : www.sagesigmaunbound.com
Without further ado, let's get into it :
Overview of the Hatybova Universe
Analysis of the Ebrovskoy Cluster Intervention and Human History
Supersystem, System, and Subsystem Analysis - Ebrovksoy Land Management System
Genotype Analysis
Who Is Hatybov?
I was also fortunate enough to be a guest with Greg Carlwood and Crrow777 on the fantastic podcast "The Higher Side Chats." The interview featured a discussion focused primarily on the Supersystem, System and Subsystem, as well as the concept of terrestrial UFOs. Here it is for anyone interested :
THC Interview
I also did a wonderful interview with Jason of the Secrets of Saturn podcast. I'd recommend his channel and podcast to all:
Secret Saturn Interview
I also did a wonderful interview with Jason of the Secrets of Saturn podcast. I'd recommend his channel and podcast to all:
Secret Saturn Interview
Links to Source Materials
Part of this endeavor is to attempt to bring the material to light for an English reading audience. I also hope to receive continued feedback, literature, and other insights in the enigma that is Hatybov. Enjoy what you find on this blog, and as always, feel free to contact me through the comment section or my email address : sagesigma@gmail.com.