Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Khatib Alexander, B Makov, and the Great Forgotten Tragedy of the Human Race

This is just a sculpture
Are Spiders our First Gods?  Not necessarily so, at least to Alexander Khatib / Hatybov (I’ll use Hatybov going forward) On this post, I’d like to move through prehistory; more specifically, I’d like to present a possible model regarding the years 45,000 BC through our calendar year 17304 BC.  The basics of this post is to touch on the previously existing Super System and System in place in our solar system, and the changes made to the existing Super System and System by an invasive species.

Again, as mentioned in the caption above, I am in no way stating any of this to be fact or absolute truth.  This information is my best representation of material currently published on line.  This is purely a summation of translated works from the authors of Alexander Khatib and Boris V Makov; I did not/do not know either of these people so I can not speak for the basis of their published ideas.  My intention is to summarize the works for an alternative potential and to generate new ideas.  Is this possibly high science fiction?  Heck yeah! 

More importantly, however, the work could very well be parallel to other myths and legends out there, and the more information we all share with one another, the more we could possibly learn.

With that being said, let’s get into it.   I’d like to include a few new definitions to the conversation for everyone’s reference going forward:

Cluster: a group of homogenous units that, in context to one other, act as an independent unit in aggregate, and share certain properties or attributes that are common to one another.

Star Cluster: a group of stars that are connected to one another via gravitational/informational “tubes” (see previous articles for discussion on tubes).  The connected stars share a common energy structure/model that manages the star cluster with specific ranges of octaves.

Galactic Cluster: an autonomous Super System (refer to “Hatibow’s God”).  It is endowed with a single functional software system, a single system of of management, the ability to create, control, and maintain complexes.  A galaxy cluster is linked to star cluster with complex links through interconnection tubes.

Civilization Cluster: a group of civilizations that share the same software / program parameters that manage specific stages of the development of civilizations.

Rough stuff once again, but I tend to think that you essentially have a cluster of planets and moons that have been pre-programmed to generate a return on some species of life.  In the case of Earth, you have a system of organization, management and control that keeps Earth and its biological structures moving in some predetermined fashion; through indefinite feedback between the origin of the program, the program feed to the Super System, System and Subsystem, civilization progresses over time and is managed through upper and control limits predefined by the initial program and managed by the Super System through Subsystem.  Good stuff, yes, but a bit in-depth.  I’ve attempted to put a visual together to best define the Earth Cluster’s initial program for everyone’s review and feedback in the conclusion section.                                                                                                   

The Key Clusters or Players of this Tragedy

 A) The Orion Cluster Group of Civilizations
  • In respect to Earth, the cluster responsible for the engineering of the first half of the first phase of proto-human development on Earth, or the phase of “preschool”
  • Engineering of Earth/Human civilization belonged to the management of Trustees from the Orion Cluster Group of Civilizations. 
  • The Orion Cluster Group acts also as the Home Stewardship Program to support Earth civilization
  • The Orion Cluster Group consists of 384 “training places”, or starter civilization planets
One interesting note about Orion is included on Hatybov's "Mount Kailash" article, where in he mentions the labyrinths below Kailash that store the legendary Orion Black Stone.

B) The Sirius Cluster Group of Civilizations
  • The Cluster responsible for the second half of the first phase of proto-human development on Earth
  • The Sirius Cluster acts as the “caregiver” to civilizations
  • The Sirius Cluster Group consists of 783 student civilizations
    • There should be 784 civilizations, but Earth is no longer part of this Cluster (more on that in the next section)
C) The Earth Cluster Group of Civilizations
  • The original makeup of our present solar system
  • The Earth Cluster Group originally consisted of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Phaeton, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and two unidentified planets and/or moons
  • The initial design and engineering of this cluster is still unknown to this researcher at this time

D) The Ebrovskoy Cluster Group of Civilizations - Эбровской Системы Управления
  • A dying Cluster Group hailing from the Constellation Ursa Major – Planet Sur
  • The Civilization had existed for 5.5 million years in what is commonly known as the Big Dipper constellation
  • The Ebrovskoy Cluster consisted of 1 Planet (the Sun), and 3 Moons
    • Ebrovskoy Cluster also included :
      • 12 type 960 major facilities
      • 54 satellites
      • 3862 attack objects
  • The Ebrovskoy live on the planet Sun; at the time, there were over 1,200,000 Ebrovskoy entities on / in the planet Sun
  • The Ebrovskoy species were a spider race up to a size of 4 meters (height/length?…not sure)
  • The Ebrovskoy, a species not uniquely capable of inclusion as an intelligent species of the cosmos, is searching out another species of life that they can merge with and move to higher form of life form
A Potential Timeline to 17304 BC

With various cluster civilizations defined, let’s begin the timeline:

45000 – 40000 BC – At this point of our history, we were already on this planet.  There is no mention of where we initially originated from, but I believe the literature states that mankind was on this planet previous to this time period, and Earth was created previous to this time period. The Orion Stewardship Group decides that our species is to be included in their Stewardship Civilization Program and takes ownership of orientation of planet Earth.  A predefined program is set in place by Orion engineers.

26844 BC – The Ebrovskoy Cluster initiates movement towards the Earth Cluster Group; the Ebrovskoy Cluster takes nearly 8,500 years to converge upon the Earth Cluster.  The belief of some researchers is that the Ebrovskoy had been actively seeking out an opportunity to join the community of intelligent life in the universe, and determined that the Earth Cluster was their best opportunity. I do not know why the Ebrovskoy  was considered/considered themselves as a "non intelligent species".  There is some discussion that the Spider brain, existing in lower Octaves, needed the human body and the Earth Cluster to exist in higher Octaves, to evolve as a higher life form in the cosmos.

18344 BC – The Ebrovskoy Cluster begins “attack” on the Earth Cluster.  The Earth Cluster is weak at this point due to the fact that Orion Cluster has begun the transition to Sirius Cluster; at this point of weakness, the Ebrov “attacks.”  Hatybov/Makov is explicit at this point that this isn’t a “Hollywood type battle”; rather, this attack takes place over the course of 1,040 years. It is at this point that the transition of Earth’s watch from the Orion Cluster to the Sirius Cluster that Earth is most weak in terms of Super Structure Defense.  Earth’s Cluster Super System defense mechanism, Phaeton, is occupied by the assailants from the Ebrovskoy Cluster.  The invaders occupied Phaeton, wherein Phaeton destroyed itself and 2 moons of Cluster Ebrovoskoy, 11 major facilities, and 1,200 attack objects.  The remains of Phaeton now reside as a meteorite belt between Mars and Jupiter.  The existing planet Sun and Lunar Moon are placed as new constructs of the Ebrovskoy Super System.

18300 BC – Earth is captured by the Ebrovskoy Cluster and its residents.  The Ebrovskoy Cluster begins the process of destroying the existing systems of control of planet Earth.  In the process, the Ebrovskoy Cluster begins the installation of the Ebrovskoy Land Management System of our solar system.  This includes :
  • Formation of satellites around other planets - not sure if satellites were part of convoy or if constructed from "scratch"
  • The dismantling of life support systems of other planets
  • The elimination of all inhabitants on planet Earth

17304 BC – Ebrovskoy Land Management System successfully destroys all living things on planet Earth and other planets of the solar system.  Complete control of the Earth Cluster is obtained; all neinertsionnye energy is captured, and Earth is surrounded by a convoy of the solar system.  At this point, Earth begins to drift back to the constellation Ursa Major.  Also at this time, the autonomous system placed on the development on Earth per the Orion program ceases to exist, and humanity is now programmed with the "violent" Ebrov control system.  It is at this point that the Ebrovoskoy begin the “great experiment” wherein the arachnid brain and motives are merged with the biological structures of the human species.


If the above presented scenario is true (and I'm most certainly not saying it is), let's consider what this all means:
  • Earth was populated with humans over 100,000 years ago; by who, we do not know
  • The Orion Cluster chose to include us in their civilization model/design program.  The Orion cluster group utilized existing control systems on this planet to take Earth and its human civilizations from point A -> point Z
  • Once Orion's program was put in place, the Sirius Cluster was to "babysit" Earth during an initial preschool phase of human development
  • During the transition from Orion to Sirius, the Ebrovskoy Cluster, hungry for inclusion into the "intelligent species" of the universe, and not able to evolve to into an intelligent species independently, moves into the Earth Cluster
  • The Earth's Cluster, despite Phateon defending the Supersystem as best as it can, is not able to defend itself from the Ebrovskoy; the Ebrovskoy Convoy claims Earth as an asset
  • Orion's program and complexes of control are overwritten by the Ebrovoskoy; living humanoids on this planet, Mars, and possibly other planets in our solar system are completely annihilated and exterminated
  • The Ebrovskoy Land Management System is installed within our solar system, and the "great” convergence of spider brains/motives within humanoid bodies begins
Two diagrams are listed below to attempt to model out the theoretical Orion Model and the alleged actual Ebrovskoy Model.

This is intense stuff worthy of an epic fictional novel.  If all of this were to be true, this is an epic tragedy of humanity.  We were to be a guided civilization set in motion towards some unknown end, and in a sad turn of events, a violent and intrusive species captured humanity, bent on becoming an evolved species, and their "violent" management procedures were installed in place, converting our original intent into something less than desired.  We are left with the remnants of something very different than our initial state or our initial design.  It would be interesting to overlay some of the legends of Sirius, Orion and the Ursa Major with the story line above.  Could Hatybov have reverse engineered his “story” with that of the ancient myth?  Or did he truly discover the story line of the planet in 1985 and began his war against against the Ebrov System?  I certainly don’t know the truth.

Up next, I will present the years 17304 BC to 1605 BC.  There is talk of horrendous experimentation, Great Floods, System overhauls, and UFO Object 440. 

And Once Again, I am not saying any of this is true; I am presenting the material as best as I am able to for an English reading audience and further discussion.  If it is indeed ravings of a fictional history, I’m ok with it.  The source material is specific, complex, heavy on math, and provides an incredible story, fiction or otherwise, presenting reality.  Until next time, drop a comment or line and I’ll do my best to further explain any of the above.  Thanks again for the read!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Хатыбова Александра Михайловича : A Brief Biography of Alexander Mikhailovich Hatybova

Александра Михайловича Хатыбова
Alexander Mikhalyovich Hatybova

Who exactly is Alexander Mikhalyovich Hatybova?  The alleged Soviet scientist’s background, who’s work has recently been brought up in connection with the Lunar Wave phenomenon caught by multiple skywatchers of late (notably, Crrow777), is as spotty as his published works.  Was he a Cold War Soviet Tesla type, an obscure sci fi/horror writer, a Russian mystic, or something more?  Did he even exist, or is Hatybov the machination of some type of misinformation campaign? 

Hopefully readers of this post have been able to read my three previous articles attempting to put some perspective on the works of Hatybov.  His work is tedious; Hatybov’s available works are fragmented, translated, extremely specific at times, and very, very dense.  Yet the results of taking the time to work through his hypothesis are rewarding; at the end of the day, this is either a very beautiful, complex, and tragic science fiction fantasy, or a very beautiful, complex, and tragic mathematical proof driving the essence of human existence.

Like his published work, biographical details too are very spotty on line.  I have been able to piece some information together, and in attempt to put some humanization on the enigma that is Hatybov, I have put a brief biography together, as best as possible.

Formative Years

Hatybov was born on February 9, 1945 in Cherpanova of the Novosibirsk Region of the West Siberian Plain.  No detail regarding his birth parents, possible siblings, or early schooling has been located by this author.

Hatybov then went on to attend the Bauman Moscow State Technical University and graduated in 1969.  He received degrees in the following areas of research :

  • Mathematics
    • Notably linear algebra
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Medicine
  • Celestial Mechanics

It is noted that Nikolai Morozov, or Никола́й Алекса́ндрович Моро́зов (photographed above), was very influential to thinking of Hatybov.  Morozov lived from 1854 – 1946, and from some accounts, even fought in WWII wherein he acted as a sniper in a battle against the Nazis on the Eastern Front.  Morozov was a Russian Revolutionary who later turned his attention towards the study of physics, chemistry, astronomy, and history.  Hatybov looked to Morozov as mentor, and fount many of Morozov's ideas critical to his own philosophy.


Over the course of his career, it appears that Hatybov became an expert in “difficult” well and drilling engineering.  During the early part of 1985, it appears that Hatybov was working for the Oil Institute in Samara.  At that time, he allegedly, more or less, went on strike due to some potential wage payment issues with his employer.  It was during this time of “strike”, Hatybov used the Institute’s computer Kuybyshevneft; a Kuybyshevneft processing unit apparently is associated with the exploration and development of petroleum and natural gas from the little I can gleam online.  It was at this point of Hatybov’s life that he allegedly discovered and decoded a “very special program” attached to our world.  Of special note, there is mention at this point that Hatybov’s special discovery was recorded and explained on audio cassettes, in English, and sold at Soviet markets.  In April 1985, Hatybov was appointed deputy director of of private institute in Kiev (possibly a Chernobyl secret institute researching the development of pyschotronic weapons); however, in late April , he was moved to Moscow due to the urgency regarding the need to develop Soviet military technology .

Of special interest in the research, there is mention in another piece on line entitled “Chronicle Exemption Ebrov”, that states that during October 1985 :

“Start destruction of interventionist systems was initiated in October 1985.” 

The exact date of this Hatybov interference regiment was 10.25.1985.

It is interesting that a number of different articles and brief biographies attach the year 1985 to something very important in the alleged Soviet scientist’s life.  Is this the year that Hatybov allegedly discovered the current Land Management System of this planet and attempted to distrupt the system?  There is discussion on line that Hatybov was able to create a two way channel of communication with the existing Super System and System in place on this planet. 

Post - 1985

Once moved to Moscow, Hatybow’s lifework because deeply critical to the success of the Soviet pyschotronic weaponry.  He generated papers on Mathematics in Real Time, Synergetics, and Cold-Plasma Synthesis.  All of this research was utilized by the Soviet military industrial complex in the creation of high tech strategic weapons. References are made to the fact that he worked a scientist by the name of Deyev, and after Deyev’s death, he founded a laboratory called the “Rhythm Foundation”, wherein progress was made on the Theory of Branching systems (side note below).

    • Branching Theory : the use of probability theory to determine future generations of a population set
      • In theory, it attempts to define the # of generations required before ultimate extinction of the population occurs

There is also discussion of his ability to solve the “traveling salesman problem”.  As one article states, Hatybov was “a mathematician from God”, and worked for a Soviet think tank known as ANT.  Other references refer to his ability to solve computer programming issues, creating processing units able to performed trillions of operation per second.

Numerous sites also make mention that the following studies were published by Hatybov, but are no longer available to the public :

·         8 Volumes on Cold Fusion
·         The Philosophy of Mathematics
·         4 Volumes on the application of the Golden Section (Golden Ratio)

    • Includes the herbal function of the golden section and prime numbers as the basis to the formation of living cells
·         6 Volumes on the Instruction of of the Bannomu case (not sure on this translation)
·         3 Volumes on the Management System

It is speculated that over 16,500 pages of published works were in existence; the vast majority of works are speculated to be held by a certain group of esoteric religious origins.

As it is, that is the extent of information I have been able to find on-line at this time.  Alexander Mikhalyovich Hatybova died on March 18, 2012.  There is an allegation on line that Hatybov was murdered, similar to another Russian thinker/individual by the name of Nicolai Levashov / Никола́й Ви́кторович Левашо́в.  I am not able to find confirmation at this time that such an accusation is true.

So where does that leave us?  Did he exist?  Was he truly a Soviet scientist?  Through some research on line, one is left with the impression that Hatybov not only discovered the current System of Land Management, but that he was able to disrupt it and the negative alien influence on our planet.  His name is apparently attached to Russian documentaries in respect to aliens, and Russian research societies such as The Research Institute Center of Preventative Strategies adore his work.  Yet at the end of the day, the Web does not reveal much in the way of who he was or what exactly he accomplished.

Of thanks - I would like to include the name Александр Афанасенко to this post as a point of credit.  The majority of information regarding Hatybov appears to have been summarized by this individual.  My hope is that this brief biography garners attention in other parts of the world, and that more communication and research is generated by this blog post.  

If anyone out there has more information regarding Хатыбова Александра Михайловича, please let me know!  If anyone out there has cassette tapes yet from the 80's, also please let me know!  I believe there is much value in his work and much to be learned of his philosophy.

To keep the momentum going, my next post will dig into humanity's prehistory.  

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hatybov, Spiders, and the UFO Enigma : A Subset of the Land Management System

I'm not going to lie; I've been obsessed by the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) enigma for most of my life (at least as long as I've been able to read).  I've got a book shelf filled with Vallee, Keel, Layne, Van Tassel, and even Constable.  You start with the standard Extraterrestrial (ET) hypothesis, then move to a military-industrial hypothesis, then to a cryptoterrestrial hypothesis, then to the ultradimensional hypothesis, and then to an orgonite based sky critters theory, and back again, and still not really have any sense of what is going on. Yet they continue to be seen everyday, and no one still has any clue of what they are (or at least is not sharing information with the rest of us).

      Returning to the enigma of Hatybov/Hatibow (I use Hatibow in each post as it appears it was once his email address), and his published works on line, I would like to attempt to define UFO / UFO occupants from the Super System -> System -> Subsystem paradigm. So let’s attempt it, shall we?

The UFO Baseline

Anyone who has seen Crrow’s or Houston Skywatcher’s videos regarding UFOs are typically in awe of what is being seen; at least I am.  I’m certain there are countless other skywatching videos out there that I have not seen, but for the sake of this post, let’s assume the following characteristics are attributable to UFOs filmed by the above mentioned skywatchers :

  • Typically shadow-esque, semitransparent, or transparent craft observed
  • Orbs that are moving up / down left / right
    • In some cases shooting apparent lasers at something in atmosphere
  • Odd shaped craft that wobble across the horizon
The feedback I typically receive when I show these clips to a friend or to a coworker usually moves along this line of progression :  “’That’s just a satellite’, to ‘that’s a space ship’, to ‘that’s a plane’, to ‘that’s ‘secret’ military plane’, to maybe, just maybe, ‘is that a UFO from outer space??”  Yet I never receive a reaction to the extent of “Is that some sort of monitoring/feedback probe hovering in the atmosphere?” Perhaps that question is not meant to be asked by design.

As Hatibow states in his intro, “Horse Diploma/Modern Science vs The Concept of a New World” table in a number of articles, UFOs are defined by both perspectives as such :

Modern Science

The Concept of a New World

UFO - occasional appearance of aliens, their study engaged everyone.Soon their secret will be revealed, and their weapons will become the property of the Earth.

All terrestrial origin UFO is - equipment for monitoring the state of the environment (such as a probe).

At a very high level, it is the intent of the Super System to set start times and initiate programs to Earth.  Also of note, it is the intention of our own Super System to protect its information and physical properties from “interference from other Super Systems.”  Quite bluntly, in respect to Earth, no “extraterrestrial” is allowed to fly to Earth from some other planet or galaxy.  Any biological structures approaching our solar system will be detected and destroyed by the previously described Super System.  In essence, the infamous Spider race who settled in this solar system will allow no other alien races to interfere with Earth bound humanity. UFOs can not be defined within the construct of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis as our Spider masters have devised a system both to prevent other extraterrestrial influence and to enslave the human race for some unknown end game.  As Charles Fort once so eloquently stated in his published work “The Book of the Damned,

Would we if we could, educate and sophisticate pigs, geese, cattle? Would it be wise to establish diplomatic relations with the hen that now functions, satisfied with mere sense of achievement by way of compensation? I think we're property"

I would argue that Hatibow, too, would agree that we are property.

UFO Definition and Purpose

Hatibow defines UFOs as one of two things : A) a closed system for sustaining life or b) probes/equipment used to monitor the state of the environment.

The first type of UFO (Type I) is essentially a closed system providing life support.  If a celestial body does not allow for the formation of a living cell and a system of life support, a UFO is required to provide those attributes to that system.   By doing so, the UFO can support life by providing a unique and engineered frequency balance (ie octave generation) to the biostructures and matter within that closed system.   Examples of this type of UFO in Hatibow’s work includes: the Moon and fifteen other satellite bodies in our solar system.

The second type of UFO (Type II) defined by Hatibow is that of a UFO being a Mobile Control System.  On Earth, they serve two purposes.  UFOs that monitor the atmosphere move up to a height of 424 km and are able to form ball lighting (orbs?) through movement through our old friend the “tubes” and can increase their size up to 124 times in size.  UFOs that monitor the maritime environment allegedly have 16 bases underwater. 

In total, there are 3,264 objects on Earth.  There are 128 different types of UFOs.  Each type is designed to solve individual problems in the system and exist in the k-structure (if a UFO is removed from a k-structure, a UFO accident may happen).  As mentioned in the previous post, the Complex that controls UFOs is in the Great Lakes Region of North America.

What type of equipment does a UFO have? To add to the confusion, Hatibow mentions at one point that “some” objects are equipped with laser weapons; at another point Hatibow mentions that all UFOs have lasers.  The purpose of the laser is to provide feedback to the control centers at the appropriate grill or layer of Earth. 

Another critical piece of equipment to the UFO is the “protective field”, or camouflage, that UFO’s have.  The protective fields allow for the superposition of light, wherein the color spectrum is shifted and all colors are mixed. If any of you recall John Keel’s work regarding the transition of UFOs from the subspectrum, to the visible spectrum and back to the subspectrum, this protective field sort of makes some sense.

The type of graphs included in Keel's Operation Trojan Horse and The Eighth Tower

There is one example that Hatibow provides in respect to Type II UFOs and their purpose. The example discusses the need for civilization change on the planet, wherein type II UFOs were tasked “to destroy civilization in North Africa.” UFOs ultimately disrupted good soil into sand and created the Sahara Desert.  With no soil to plant crops, civilization ended. For whatever reason, the Supersystem and System dictated that North African civilization end; UFOs complied with the command, and the command was executed.

To summarize quickly, Type I UFOs provide for the existence of biostructures in conditions that do not naturally allow for biostructure existence.  Type II UFOs monitor the atmosphere, the water ways, receive instructions from Complexes on Earth, and provide feedback to Complexes on Earth.  When needed, Type II UFOs can assist in the engineering and destruction of Earth or civilizations on the planet.

Type I UFO Occupants

Who flies these UFOs?  Hatibow states that approximately 66% of UFOs act as piloted Mobile Control System.  UFOs with pilots are designed to perform specific tasks on our planet (as mentioned above).  The original UFO pilots were human beings with spider brains implanted into the human biologicial structure (ie the original ones/first ones/original gods?).  The UFO-naughts were then engineered into human biological structures excluding intestines, a digestive tract, and a reproductive system.  Another described pilot of UFOs is listed as being a biological structure up to 280 cm and having “8-paws”.  Is this the Spider race yet again?  This one I’m not quite able to figure out.  Let’s assume going forward that there are indeed two types of biological pilots : human being pilots and 280 cm large arachnids.

The 34% of UFOs remaining are computer UFOs.  The computer UFOs are part of the control system in way that they provide feedback to complexes around the globe.  Ireland, again mentioned in the previous post regarding Complexes, assists with monitoring and management of computer UFOs.

Location of Type II UFOs

As previously mentioned in Hatibow’s God : The Land Management System, UFOs exist on Earth at -3300 > height > -4400 meters.  UFOs are connected to one another and to other Complexes of Control on Earth through 2,200 meter diameter tubes.  The tubes create a direct link to “energy pumping structures”.   As a side note, the suspension of these tubes/wires and the energy directly tied to these interconnected tubes/wire allows for the flow of water on the face of the Earth.  Hatibow also states that there are gravitational units that direct the flow of water.  If we assume the Moon is truly a façade, and the Lunar Wave a transmission of information to Earth, then the problem regarding oceanic waves is solved.  The Moon does not create tides; the interweaving tubes, wires, and associated fields of energy below the surface create the movement of water on the face of the Earth.

Another interesting note on the location of UFOs as provided by Hatibow relates to crop circles.  As all UFOs originate from below Earth’s surface, the UFO is either below an occupied space or below a residential/city dwelling.  When a UFO is called on to rise from below the ground, the frequencies and octaves needed to move the UFO from below ground to atmosphere manifest as circles.  If the UFO is below a field of wheat or other crop, a crop circle forms.  If a UFO manifests below a residence, the circle is still created, but is not as likely to be noticed by the inhabitants of the residence.  Anything from internet disruption to building destruction could be caused by the activation of a UFO. If one were to extrapolate this idea out even further, we are suddenly in the arena of ley lines, poltergeists, and other psychical phenomenon associated with the concept of "zero point energy."

Fuel Source of UFOs (or Tritium)

As previously mentioned, Tritium exists in Layer II or the hydro acoustic layer of our planet.  Let’s get the scientific definition out of the way first :

Tritium 3 H - radioactive radionuclide superheavy hydrogen with mass number 3. T 1/2 = 12.35 years. Under normal conditions, tritium - gas, t m = -252.52 0 C. In combination with oxygen forms a super-heavy water, tritium T 3

Naturally forming tritium is, per Wikipedia, extremely rare on Earth.  In our society, tritium is used to create atomic weaponry, and due to atomic weapon testing, has fallen into the world’s ocean waterways and can act as a “tracer” for different populations in Earth's various systems (not Hatibow systems, but biological and environmental systems).

Hatibow, naturally, would argue against the Wikipedia definition.  Tritium, in reality, is: 
  • Is not infinite in quantity
  • Is inherently part of water on the planet Earth (both fresh and sea water)
  • Distilled through the use of special installations, or generators in the System with the use of water
    • Tritium is create through (I think) a reverse osmosis style process, wherein water is recycled or reduced in some format, and tritium is retrieved
  • Water has specific gravity of 1 g / cm 3 at rest; when tritium is removed from water, water has a reduced specific gravity of .77 g / cm 3
  • Is the necessary life force for brains of all genotypes
    • Tritium in water restores the frequencies of the brain
  • Stored on satellites within the Super System in order to provide fuel for long distance space travel
  • And, in the case of the subject of this post, the fuel source for UFOs on the planet Earth
 As with most of modern science from Hatibow’s perspective, the current understanding of tritium is incorrect.  Hatibow states that tritium’s true structure and properties are not known by modern academia. 

Movement of Type I UFOs

A Type II UFO is able to travel one of two ways.  For deep space travel, a Type II UFO needs the safety of a closed system Type I UFO for interstellar travel.  Once the Type I UFO is anchored to the appropriate planet with the use of a gravitational tube, the Type II UFO can use the “tube” for safe travel to and from the Supersystem to the System.

Once a UFO is embedded into Layer 4 of the Earth’s System, a different mode of transportation is required.  The ultimate goal of a Type I UFO is to lift off, perform a requested task, and return to below the Earth’s surface.  The basics of movement are essentially as follows :

  • A “rise” command is executed from one or multiple Earth Complexes
  • The UFO forms a conical path or array of travel to the atmosphere, wherein frequencies are generated
  • UFOs traverse to atmosphere either electronically or magnetically (50 or 60 octave, respectively)
  • Tubes are formed on the surface of the ground
    • UFOs discharge from tubes in form of ball lighting (again, orbs?)
    • Tube creation and UFO discharge generates a sulfur smell
  • The process takes 12 days for the UFO to move below ground to atmosphere
This part is very tricky to work through.  There is a lot of mathematics, octaves, k-structures, tubes, and other esoteric ideas embedded in Hatibow’s Ufology segment.  Yet I think at the end of it all, Hatibow is essentially stating that these UFOs modify their matter through the use of octaves, pass through the layers and lattices of other masses of the Earth as an object with no Neinertsionnaya weight, modify form in atmosphere my returning to a Neinertsionna weight generating mass, perform the requested tasks, then move back to a non matter object and return to their starting point.  This is touched on in respect to crop circles, and if I read Hatibow's work correctly, explains why crop circles occur in the same spots on the planet repeatedly.

I’m not 100% certain on this translation or understanding, but it makes some sense to me given the parameters and inputs of his work in context to the larger body of knowledge.  For everyone’s reference, the majority of this exists in the article “And UFO Also”.

An Example of UFOs on the Moon and the Moon

A great example of both types of UFOs in existence and working in parallel is described in Hatibow’s Moon Objects paragraph, one of my favorite passages of his work.  I’d paraphrase, but the translation is too good to pass up :

All the "lunatics" are inside the moon. The atmosphere of the moon is only necessary for the control and the existence of this atmosphere without protection is impossible.  To control the surface and atmosphere of the moon has its own objects (UFOs). It is - mostly machines, but some of them manned.  Maximum lift height is less than 2 km from the surface. "Sleepwalkers" is not intended for life on Earth, they have plenty of comfortable conditions for work and leisure. Total lunar object 242 (36 types), 16 of them manned. Similar facilities are available on some satellites (and on Phobos, too).


So where does this segment leave us in respect to the Hatibow Hypothesis? (if anyone makes t-shirts with that slogan, please don’t forget about me!)  UFOs, as defined by Hatibow’s paradigm, fit surprisingly well with the some key points to existing UFO lore.  You’ve got : 
  • Human being UFO occupants accounted for
  • Shape shifting/growing anomalous Orbs accounted for (UFOs/fae lights/ghost lights)
  • Color changing/color bending UFOs accounted for (the material of John Keel)
  • Teleporting UFOs accounted for
  • Shadowships as observed by Crrow777 and Houston Skywatch accounted for
  • Underwater UFOs accounted for (Ivan T Anderson stuff)
  • Underground UFO bases accounted for
  • Ley Lines and possible psychical activity associated with UFOs accounted for
  • Occult/vibration based hypotheses of UFOs accounted for
As for your prototypical UFO occupant such as the Grey, or any other number of non humanoid looking UFO pilots, where would they fit in respect to Hatibow’s work?  There is really no mention of a “Grey” (as far as I can tell).  If one were to be speculative, one could argue that the before mentioned arachnid pilot could, in theory, require a “space suit”.  Hatibow explicitly states that no human being will ever see a Spider exit a UFO.  What if that space suit were that of the Grey?  Author / researcher Nigel Kerner did touch on this concept of space suit in his book “Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls” (forgive me Nigel, I did not finish your book).  Is that a possible solution?  I know I’m reaching here, but hey, that’s what blogging is all about! 

Either way, the UFO is a critical part of the alleged Land Management System placed on Earth.  As with all things Hatibow, one could argue this is pure science fiction or pure systematic control of the Earth and its residents.  Did Hatibow have a fantastic knowledge base of the fortean world, and utilized UFOs and octaves as a sort of "unified field theory" to account for a majority of fortean phenomena?  Or is the activating of a Type II UFO ultimately responsible for fairy sightings, UFO sightings, and other paranormal experiences?   At the end of the day, the next time Crrow or Houston Skywatchers upload a video with an orb or a shadowship, I personally will rule out the idea that ET has come to visit Earth.  Instead, I may very well wonder what exactly has changed in respect to our System’s parameters, or what has challenged an existing order from the Super System, and wonder who or what exactly the corrective action will be focused on.